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1. Bill Gates and Justice
2. Conflicts of Justice

Bill Gates and Justice

1. Bill Gates and Justice
2. Conflicts of Justice

Bill Gates and Justice

That Bill Gates and his associates have elicited terrible crimes toward all of humankind is such an overwhelming evil that stuns us into both anger and fear.

It also presents us with an awesome opportunity to really look at our justice system and how we want to go forward. It is our instinct to act out revenge, to punish and to do to him what was done to us. We want to give it back. I am sure he will be sentenced to death but that sentencing will not help us go forward. That is cleaning up the past. There is a psychic wound, or an evil that has impacted us and in healing, we look to remove the pathogen. But how do you remove this pathogen? What happened to our souls? How can we heal? How to ‘give it back?’

The question is very deep, and the answer takes us to two places: Our future and what is Justice.

There was a lot wrong with our world. We all know that. But we somehow managed and made it work for us. It is broken for sure now and we can’t go back. In some ways we’d like to because we know it. Like a bad relationship. It was a betrayal of our human collective and of our deepest humanity. Going forward means we must make a Y in the road and choose instead a vision that we create collectively for our new world and what we want, what it will look like. It is the choices we make that create the physical reality.

If his impact of his evil upon us is the place where we create our future from, choose from, then you can imagine the world that will be created will have his stamp on it. We give him the right to be the father of our future. To give back his evil to him requires us to be in a place of our true world vision, our cultural collective, our creative and artistic soulful expression, something that embraces and heals.

Will we ever understand the depth of Bill Gate’s evil? I don’t think so because it comes from an inhuman place, from a place that rejects soulful expression. His is about control, owning, cold passion for death, subjugation, sabotage and other elements that are about creating death. Ours is a place of life, which is culture, song, dance, joy, and building, living and growing. It is about understanding and embracing. It is about love.

Bill Gates is not about love.

I read a comment on twitter recently and the person said something like this: “You think love is the answer? That love will fix this?” The tone implied that it was very naive to think that love had any practical application. It showed however that she did not really understand how love is and can be practical. Love is like our oxygen and love creates harmony in relationships. Not just human relationships but relationship to the land, the sky, the sea and all the creatures who live on this world with us. It is the relationship to the greater as well such as God and Creation.

Something without harmony will inevitably die because there is an inherent conflict in the foundation or structure. If you think of a house and imagine a load bearing wall was not really load bearing. No matter how beautiful the second floor of the house was, it will come down because the wall cannot bear weight.

Our world, our relationships need to be able to bear the weight of our future. Our children need to grow up joyful, full of bright optimism, opportunity, and possibility. Do you know the saying “If you condemn a child you teach them to condemn?” Our actions are our teachings which comes full circle now to our decisions. What are we going to live, to teach and birth for our new world?

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