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1. Bill Gates and Justice
2. Conflicts of Justice

Conflicts of Justice

1. Bill Gates and Justice
2. Conflicts of Justice

Addressing Conflict

Our world, our relationships need to be able to bear the weight of our future. Our children need to grow up joyful, full of bright optimism, opportunity, and possibility. Do you know the saying “If you condemn a child, you teach them to condemn?” Our actions are our teachings which comes full circle now to our decisions. What are we going to live, to teach and birth for our new world?

Our decisions are what we are teaching our children. It also sews the seeds for our own future. Our vision however lofty is always created from our decisions and so our lives do not go the way of our dreams. It is not easy to think and apply every day who we are and make every decision count for something.

This decision about justice and Bill Gates is monumental and will set the direction of our human race for the next 1000 years in both great joy and expansion, or towards conflict and pain, only to re-enact his legacy.

We must overcome the instinct of our past and become something like the leaders who created our countries, who wanted freedom for all, justice and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, using American thought. Our leaders created a system they thought would make sure there was no empire, no one person to rule. How long did that process take of making a constitution? Quite a while if I remember it. It is the birthing of a nation!

These are some of our new beginnings now too. We are also birthing.

The practical application of love at this point means that we need to consider how and what kind of justice is needed for Bill Gates and his kind. We cannot be as he is and still have our beautiful future. They don’t go together. Our actions will be our teaching. They are the seeds.

Bill Gates has chosen for himself a spiritual desert to die in. One devoid of human interaction and love. That is the greater law of life. What he has done is so far beyond our human-ness and human law that only the Creator or God will know what must be done. Or if some among us have a spiritual vision and insight to these great matters, perhaps they can speak to that.

I only know how futures are created and how important this decision will be. I know love should guide us. Not necessarily a grace extended toward Bill Gates. I have always thought some things need to be witnessed and never forgotten. Forgiveness is not really about letting someone off the hook. It is letting yourself go. Giving yourself permission to move on.

Forgiveness is giving yourself permission to go on

The laws and agreements of relationships

When you love somebody there are ‘laws’ or agreements we have with that person and when those agreements are broken, it is like betrayals of various sizes or behaviors that are less than noble. Then we want them to fix it, come clean etc. But then we are still involved in that relationship. That is not a bad thing because we love that person, even if it looks like we hate them. We still choose to engage in the agreements. And that is an action of love because we want them to change, to be better and more. Think of it like raising children. You have house rules, and these are created to help your children fit into the world as you perceive it. You give them the way to view things that will help them get ahead, fit into society, and grow. When they take these rules into their own lives it becomes a part of the fabric of our society, the bindings that keep our cultures alive and well. They are rules of relationships if you will. We keep these rules and raise our children by them because we want the best for them. It is our own personal high standard. Everyone has different visions and standards, but what ever they are we do so in an agreement. But sometimes there comes a time when we ‘forgive’. We say they do not need to make it right anymore and that we are moving on. The relationship is voided so to speak. There is no debt.

When you forgive someone, it is then rescinding the law of the relationship. The best way is to do so as a blessing, to release someone that they too may find happiness. You will find this in broken families where it is no longer justifiable for someone to continue the relationship. Forgiveness is not about forgetting or saying that what someone did was ok. It is rescinding the rights, the good duties, and obligations of relationships. In other words, the rules that were in place to create greater love, more expansive opportunities are no longer expected and the road to your front door is now closed. Because for each of us, we all have something to offer. Our best, our heart. That is the reward of relationship. You are the reward. To have growth together, learning singing and dancing together, sharing joy and so on. So sometimes we say to someone, “You no longer have this right. You no longer have the opportunity to know me.” The relationship is revoked and if ever that person wants to re-engage it must be done from a new place. Old rules no longer apply. They never will again.

There is far more to love and forgiveness than what I have said here, more to the understanding of debt too. To have an understanding of forgiveness is enough to know we can choose a path that we no longer engage in the laws or agreements between Bill Gates and us. As a collective we are moving to a wonderful new future. Collectively we can ‘forgive’ which in our case would mean ostracizing Bill Gates and the others who have perpetrated this crime against humanity.

Our legacy or his?

The decision about justice and Bill Gates is monumental and will set the direction of our human race for the next 1000 years in either great joy and expansion, or towards conflict and pain only to re-enact his legacy. If we move forward in the wrong way and do not understand a healthy relationship to who he is then he will become the father of our future and your grandchildren and your great grandchildren will have to relive what we have lived through because until we understand this evil we as a human race will have to live it ad nauseum.


What will happen to the children of Bill Gates?

and the other perpetrators’ children? There will be such shame. How can they find freedom? How will they heal? Who will take that on them to help then?

What will happen to those who have been deeply and horribly impacted by the actions of these evil people?

Perhaps there needs to centers for healing that we all can access to work through our angers, rages, sadness, grief and loss. We need centers of compassion and compassionate help for everyone who is left.


Up Coming Articles: The corruption of our language, our values and understanding the values inherent in our humanity. Healing our vision and our words.

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