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[vc_headings style=”theme6″ borderclr=”#000000″ title=”Basically you can’t beat people up here, okay!?” google_fonts=”font_family:Advent%20Pro%3A100%2C200%2C300%2Cregular%2C500%2C600%2C700|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal” titlesize=”30″ titleclr=”#000000″ caption_url=”” caption_urls=”” caption_urlss=”” caption_urldesc=”” icon=”fas fa-peace” iconclr=”#1e73be”]For the Details, please see below!








House Rules

  1. There is no discussion AT ALL about what may or may not be in the vaccines!. There are very specific reasons for this. Primarily we are a site of support and help. When people are in trouble WE HELP. That is what we do, As Canadians, we have never asked what race or religion someone is, how old they are or anything like that. This is an extension of humanitarian practice.
  2. There is NO tolerance for any kind of abuse, put down, name calling, anything of that nature. No denigrating or ridicule of anyone’s beliefs or perceptions. We need to respect each other, give each other space and be a place at least of tolerance, though a higher bar would be the practice of non-judgment. Together we can create something beautiful!
  3. We will be posting links on a part of our site if people want more information that differs from the government narrative but we want to leave that ‘out there’ and not brought into our site. This is a place of healing and inclusion. A sanctuary. If you think something can be added to our links for people to check out if they are interested, shoot us an email!
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 We REALLY want you to see the Rules!

It matters, it really does.
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