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I read an article about intention that I found very interesting. Sometimes I feel I am in a world by myself and people seem to have forgotten not only how to live, but also how to process their lives. Even people I’ve known for years seem to be very scattered and pulled in 1000 directions. I came across this article and I think it is the best one I have read in years!

Top and bottom Image by 춘성 강 from Pixabay

It's time to come home

Spiritual work is multi-faceted though all having one goal. It restores peace and stills the mind. Through actions such as the practice of love and forgiveness we remove the walls of projection and the mind can become still.

But our world is creating the opposite for so many people. I am blown away by the apparent confusion of those around me. When I found this article, I really wanted to put it forward to you. You are standing in a gale force wind and you need to be able step out of the wind and be in a sheltered place.

You need to come home. Come home to a place where the wind is not rattling your bones, where you can stop for a while, be still, have a warming tea and sit by the fire. You need a time of peace and a time for you.

Your attention didn’t collapse. It was stolen

A must read article.

Ten years later, Adam was lost. He had dropped out of school when he was 15, and he spent almost all his waking hours alternating blankly between screens – a blur of YouTube, WhatsApp and porn. (I’ve changed his name and some minor details to preserve his privacy.) He seemed to be whirring at the speed of Snapchat, and nothing still or serious could gain any traction in his mind. During the decade in which Adam had become a man, this fracturing seemed to be happening to many of us. Our ability to pay attention was cracking and breaking…. by

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What was particularly alarming and significant for me was a part in Johann Hari’s article where people could not seem to turn their heads to look at what was around them, being instead transfixed to their devices and used the device to view the world.

That is beyond words for me. People living with no life. People needing to be told, to be given directing to do even the most basic of elements of living.

We need to see this for what it is. I don’t believe phones are bad, but I think how they are being used along with all the media and other blitzing is causing a ton of ‘debri’ to be cast into the mental and emotional air we breathe.

It is like being in some water which has become clouded by pollutants. We are in the water and think that those pollutants ARE us, our thoughts and feelings. We need to leave the water and be in a still place, to come home, to be healed and restored. It is very important!

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