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Once a prayer is lit within the heart
in a sacred place....
the prayer never goes out.
Your children are held in our hearts.

Mother Theresa

The fruit of silence
is prayer.

The fruit of prayer
is faith.

The fruit of faith
is love.

The fruit of love
is service.

The fruit of service
is peace.

Prayer for Torn Families

There was an article recently sharing how a father was not allowed to intervene in preventing his children from receiving the Covid vaccines. I can only imagine how horrifying this must feel to not be able to protect your children. Yet it is also true that I imagine his wife from the other side, was also equally stressed as I am sure she believed vaccines were going to save her children.

I don’t happen to be of that mind set but I can also see how it is tearing an already stressed family apart even further. How do you come back from those places? Is there forgiveness? Can we heal past this?

Forgiveness is giving yourself permission to go on

Court ruling forbidding Father to say no to the vaccines for his children

An Alberta judge has ruled in favour of a woman who was fighting with her ex-husband over whether their children would be vaccinated against COVID-19.

According to court documents obtained by CTV News, the parents from Lethbridge were at odds over acquiring COVID-19 vaccinations for their two children, aged 10 and 12.

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How this Prayer Works

As part of our process, it is to reach deep within, to those emotion that are evoked by situations. Those emotions are where we link to each other, where we are a part of one human family. Emotions brought on by deep pain, loss & despair are hard to be with. But as we embrace them we also help hold the burden for another, that they are not alone.

These emotions are like the votive candle. They are held up and offered into the love we have for each other and like the wick which holds the flame, so too are these painful times given into a place of greater light.

Prayers written from a deep place of heart

Dear Sir,
I can only imagine the horror you are experiencing.
You have been betrayed on so many levels.
Your heart has been ripped from you and you may have to watch the death of your children.
May I ask you what is it about each child that you love so deeply?
Who are they? Is your boy inquisitive and bright, is he a gentle soul? Were you seeing what he would be like as a Dad also?
And your daughter, is she sweet and did she call you on your stuff? Who is she?
I know for myself I have feelings of you and your children
even though I have never met them – or you!
And I am going to hold their precious dreams in my heart
for you and for them,
because I know that when you hold a dream for someone
they will always find their way home again.
And I know that by doing this
your children will always find their way home to you,
even though they may not be in this world.
I will light candles for you and I will pray for you.
I know this prayer will go up to God
I know God answers these prayers
Because these are difficult times
And He is especially close listening to us all.
I know that by not having physical time with them
is also a source of deep pain.
I feel that for you.
But I pray that when your children come to you,
You will know it as a source of joy instead,
because you will know how much they love you
as they came to find you.
I will also pray for your ex-wife because
I can’t imagine the guilt she will end up feeling.
Your family is torn up in so many ways.
I pray that the darkness of this time and what is covering your family
be lifted and healed.
Please know that you are cared for, that you are loved
and are never alone.
Even though I don’t know you,
here you are in my prayers.
My heartfelt blessing and love go out to you.
I will also pray for your children.
Being children they are already in the hands of God and
will continue to have his blessings.
I of course hope that your children are safe
but your fear is that they won’t be and
this is to what I am praying.
And for yourself, you must also know that God is holding a special place for you.
This is indeed a crucible. A rite of passage.
Just like the winter snow and the winter cold goes deep
into the trees
and into the bones
a new way is made forward for another beautiful spring.
Please trust yourself to this process because God would never lead you astray.
With love from a brother in spirit.
We are all family.
I will pray for your children as if they were my own,
for indeed they are. We are a family of heart.

Mark's prayer when he heard of the suffering of this man and his family.

When there is suffering, we encounter a silence within. When we engage this silence we understand many things. Compassion arises and then we can begin to speak from the well springs of love within. And so we can heal each other. We can heal the world.

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